Perform at The Ark!
Booking Info
Submitting Demos
The Ark is not currently accepting submissions.
Booking Agents
If you are a booking agent or artist representative, contact Program Director Anya Siglin at (734) 761-1800, ext. 122.
Open Stage
Another way to appear at The Ark is to be part of our monthly Open Stage Night concerts.
Tremendous local performers like Dick Siegel, Chris Buhalis, and Matt Watroba spent time honing their craft on Open Stage audiences. Nationally recognized talents like Mary Chapin Carpenter, Gilda Radner, and David Alan Grier also paid their dues here.
On Open Stage nights, doors open at 7:30 pm. Performers’ names are chosen at random at 7:45 pm and again at 8:30 pm, for a total of 12 performers in all.