The Ark’s Open Stage

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February 5 @ 8:00 pm $3, Students and Ark Members free

Take your music to the masses!
Ark Entrance

Whether you’re looking for your big break, want to perfect your live performance skills, or just want to perform live for the sheer fun of it, Open Stage nights offer supportive audiences and a terrific space. Performers have eight minutes (or two songs) each to do their thing. Doors open at 7:30, and names are drawn at 7:55 and 8:30. If your name isn’t chosen, bring your raffle ticket with you next time, and you’ll double your chances.

Why play Open Stage at the Ark? Do it to be heard. Do it so you know you can. Do it to take your music to the masses. Tremendous local performers like Dick Siegel, Misty Lyn, and Matt Watroba spent time honing their craft on Open Stage audiences. Even nationally recognized talents like Mary Chapin Carpenter, Gilda Radner, and David Alan Grier paid their dues here. If you’re not interested in getting on stage tonight, get your practice in at being a great audience member and observer of new music.


February 05 2025
Doors Open:
7:30 PM
Show Starts:
8:00 pm
$3, Students and Ark Members free
Buy Tickets:
Buy tickets at the door
Event Genres:


The Ark
316 S. Main
Ann Arbor, MI 48104 United States
+ Google Map
(734) 761-1818
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